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Register for a Trade Account

Become a Repeat Repeat Stockist

In order for you to become one of our stockists we’d like to know a little bit about you before you order so please email us with the information below to apply for access to our wholesale prices and pack sizes and a member of our sales team will get back to you shortly to confirm that you are set up to order from us.
The Trade Site does not accept online payments - we will invoice seperately.

Please email us with the following information to  :

1) Your full name
2) Your contact email address
3) Your company name
4) Your full contact address
5) Your VAT or Tax ID
6) What type of retailer you are [ Gift Store, Retailer, Catalogue retailer, Website Retailer, Museum / Gallery, Agent ]
7) Your website address
8) Do you do mail order
9) Do you sell on the internet
10) Do you sell on eBay
12) Number of retail premises
13) How long you have been trading.
14) How did you hear about us.